Hi, welcome to KnitwiseGirl.com!
First, a little bit about me, my name is Christina, I am an enthusiastic knitter and hand crafter, I set up this website to connect with yarn lovers and craft fans from around the world. Right now, I am the crafter, designer and photographer of this website.
I am a huge believer in learning through watching others, especially when it comes to learning a new craft skill, that’s why I’ve put up lots of detailed video tutorials on this website, I hope this will help you watch over my shoulder to learn new skills with ease.
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Have a pleasant journey to craft wonderland with KnitwiseGirl.com! If you want to hear more from Knitwise Girl, please subscribe to my newsletter by filling out the form above. You can also follow Knitwise Girl on social networks by clicking on buttons at the top right of this website (Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Vimeo), or you can drop me an email via Contact.