Lace leaves stitch is one of my favorite stitches, it’s simple and elegant, great for spring and summer projects. There are two basic stitches used in this lace leaves that need special attention, they are: 1. yarn over after a knit and before a purl. 2. cdd, centered double decrease, which is slip 2, knit 1, pass 2 over.
(Flat knitting)
Cast on a multiple of 14 sts plus 1
Row 1 (RS): K1, (yo, p2, k2tog, k5, ssk, p2, yo, k1) rep to end
Row 2, 14 (WS): (P2, k2, p7, k2, p1) rep to last st, p1
Row 3: K1, (yo, k1, p2, k2tog, k3, ssk, p2, k1, yo, k1) rep to end
Row 4, 12: (P3, k2, p5, k2, p2) rep to last st, p1
Row 5: K1, (yo, k2, p2, k2tog, k1, ssk, p2, k2, yo, k1) rep to end
Row 6, 10: (P4, k2, p3, k2, p3) rep to last st, p1
Row 7: K1, (yo, k3, p2, cdd, p2, k3, yo, k1) rep to end
Row 8: (P5, k2, p1, k2, p4) rep to last st, p1
Row 9: K1, (k2, ssk, p2, yo, k1, yo, p2, k2tog, k3) rep to end
Row 10: Repeat row 6.
Row 11: K1, (k1, ssk, p2, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, p2, k2tog, k2) rep to end
Row 12: Repeat row 4.
Row 13: K1, (ssk, p2, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p2, k2tog, k1) rep to end
Row 14: Repeat row 2.
Row 15: Ssk, (p2, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, p2, cdd) rep to last st, k2tog
Row 16: (P1, k2, p9, k2) rep to last st, p1
Repeat Row 1-16 to desired length.
Stitch Glossary
k2tog : Knit 2 stitches together.
ssk : Slip, slip, knit.
yo : Yarn over.
Cdd: centered double decrease, sl2, k1, p2sso (Slip 2 stitches together, k1, then pass slipped stitches over)
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Watch to Learn
Watch this video to learn how to knit lace leaves.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment below, I’ll be glad to help.
Hello, with this pattern can we make a dahlia cardigan? If so, what will be the stitch multiple? Can u pls help me ?
Hi, with lace leaves pattern, you cast on a multiple of 14 sts plus 1. You can cast on a total of 57 sts (4*14+1=57), or 71 sts (5*14+1=71), or 85 sts (6*14+1=85), and so on, depending on your gauge. You can make a swatch with this pattern using your preferred yarn, then measure the length and width to determine the total stitches.
Can this stitch be done in reverse so the leaves are draped down?
Hi Melissa, I’ve tested to knit in reverse order,from row 16 to row 1, upside down, unfortunately, it fails. So I think the easiest way is to knit as usual, then turn the piece upside down.